Mental Health [Psychosocial] Safety – The Competency Skills
for Managers
Q. What steps do you take to educate yourself about mental
health issues and stay informed about current research and
best practices?
Toxic skill level – - "During a performance review, my
manager focused solely on my mental health challenges and used
them as the basis for negative feedback. They failed to
recognize my achievements and undermined my confidence.“
Low skill level – “I don't really take any specific
steps to educate myself about mental health issues. I rely on
common sense and my own experiences to handle any related
High skill level – “I regularly attend workshops,
conferences, and webinars on mental health topics to stay
informed about the latest research and best practices. I also
subscribe to reputable journals and publications in the field
and actively seek out resources from mental health
I invite you to assess yourself in The Ten Manager
Competencies for Psychosocial Safety
Speaking and Workshop Topics
1. SAFE Conversations @ Work – Toolbox Talks
Enhancing Psychosocial Safety by Empowering Your Managers -
This training is suitable for blue collar audiences This
training program teaches your Managers and Team Leaders the
facilitation skills to run 15-30 min Toolbox Talks on the
topics of mental health safety [psychosocial safety] in your
workplace with their teams
Learn More
2. SAFE Conversations @ Work – Learn & Chats
Enhancing Psychosocial Safety by Empowering Your Managers -
This training is suitable for white collar audiences This
training program teaches your Managers and Team Leaders the
facilitation skills to run 15-30 min Learn & Chat Talks on
the topics of psychosocial safety, mental health safety and
wellbeing in your workplace with their teams
Learn More