SAFE Conversation Skills for Leaders/Managers
  • How to know what resources to refer to

  • How the Manager can look after their own self-care and the rest of the team

  • Know what the current facts on mental health and mental illness are in Australia today and how this is impacting your business

The Complexities for You as a Manager Are ...

Your Customised Program will help you –

Your People Leaders and Managers will have more of their time and energy focused on driving the business rather than diverted to complicated people issues.

Meet your team members where they are at. Early intervention helps them to come to their own self-awareness and access the resources that are best suited to them. There is a proven  492% return on your investment.

Greater Employee Engagement

You will have a less stigmatised and more educated work force that will be more engaged and committed to their work. Engagement is 8 times higher in companies that prioritise wellbeing – beyond fruit bowls, yoghurt and yoga.

How is it Delivered?

The SAFE Conversation Skills for Leaders & Managers of Remote and In-0ffice Teams – interactive virtual 2 x 2hr workshops

This workshop helps Managers to separate out Performance issues from Personal issues. It helps Managers to be authentically caring, and significantly contributes to creating a more engaged and committed culture.

It’s Super Easy To Get Started

Step 1 – Click “Text Bill Now”

Step 2 – We consult with you to design and customise the Program around your needs and requirements

Step 3 – You Launch and celebrate

We help your People Leaders and Team Members to have wellbeing and mental health conversations safely – with empathy and without offending
As a HR, or OD Leader your workload is significantly increased at times, because the People Leaders and Managers in your business aggravate or escalate people issues.
Less Unnecessary Work

Less Unnecessary Work

The constant challenge for all People Leaders is dealing with under-performance – is it a personal issue or a performance issue? This program will give your Managers the SAFE conversation skills to engage their team members at a much more effective level.

Imagine a situation in which your Managers are able to have person-centred conversations with their team members when they see the early signs of a team member struggling.  But instead the Manager doesn’t handle it well, and it becomes a performance issue and the team member has to be performance managed with you involved.

More unnecessary work for you

But what if the Manager had the skills to intervene early – to assist the team member to get the help they needed.

What a difference that would make to the culture of your company.

“I really enjoyed the breakout groups; it was stimulating conversation and they didn’t go for too long. It was a good mix of theory and discussion which I liked. It was also very easy to follow on with the material”

— Gov’t Dept Manager


Effective Upskilling for Lowering Psychosocial Risks

Effective Upskilling

Risks Management

This short book is about encouraging Leaders and Managers to have the desire and the skills to connect with team members to have person-centred conversations that guide them to identify and utilise the resources that will help the team member when required.

The magnitude and severity of mental health problems are now at least twice as prevalent as they were in pre-pandemic circumstances. In Australia, the prevalence of clinically significant depressive symptoms is running six times higher than that usually found, with an eightfold increase in suicidal ideation.*

* 1 Mental health of people in Australia in the first month of COVID-19 restrictions: a national survey. Fisher et al. Published online: 10 June 2020 in Medical Journal of Australia